Can Baking Soda Increase Male Penis?

Health Benefits of Baking Soda

The beneficial properties of baking soda have led people to use it to solve the most unusual problems.

As a result, most men who are concerned that their small penis size is bad for their sex life have started using penis enlargement supplements.

Reviews on the app are contradictory - soda use helped someone, penis did enlarge, others claimed no results at all.

Next, recipes for penis enlargement based dietary supplements will be discussed in detail.

little theory

Penis enlargement with soda water is one of the controversial solutions to men's problems today.

Surgery to increase penis size is guaranteed, but not all men decide to have surgery, and not everyone has the means to do it.

Therefore, the use of NaHCO3 (chemical formula for soda water) is very popular because it is available to everyone.

Whether there is an impact is a matter of debate. Some men who have experienced this method of penis enlargement firsthand are satisfied with it.

Representatives of the other powerful half of humanity believe the method is ineffective and bad for health.

Use this drug to increase libido, enhance erection, prolong intercourse and enhance orgasm!

Before trying any penis enlargement medication, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

Everyone is familiar with baking soda, but it's only recently that information about its magical properties of different properties has begun to emerge, including penis enlargement.

By itself, sodium bicarbonate has no direct effect on the male reproductive organs. After soda seeps into the body, it promotes blood thinning, which is necessary during special training, according to many men who have undergone the therapy.

soda water for penis enlargement

During penis enlargement training, the liquefied blood can freely enter all sectors, including the penis, helping it grow. According to the reviews, it can be concluded that the value of this substance is that it stimulates the growth of the organs. Process application of various techniques and prevent the development of some complications that may arise under the influence of training.

As for the doctor's opinion, sodium bicarbonate can negatively affect the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

honey soda for penis enlargement

Some Popular Penis Enlargement Methods

To date, there are many ways to increase the penis: surgery, taking dietary supplements, using special creams, vacuum pumps, and weight gainers that can harm men's health. In addition, massage is recommended for penis enlargement, and traditional medicine is not spared.

One of the popular penis enlargement methods that has been used successfully since ancient times is the use of baking soda. This method can easily be combined with other methods such as massage. Another benefit of using baking soda is that it is relatively safe, unlike many creams that contain questionable ingredients. After surgery, men may not be able to fully function sexually. Weighting agents are not safe because they can damage the genitals.

How realistic is it for a guy to enlarge his penis with baking soda?

It is important to understand that exposure to sodium bicarbonate can lead to localized blood flow. As a result, the penis increases by approximately 2-5 mm.

Unfortunately, however, this effect was rather short-lived. Within a few hours, the penis will return to its original shape as the stimulating effects of sodium bicarbonate will end. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to perform such procedures immediately before sexual intercourse or at least an hour before.

Even if you rub baking soda on your penis for as long as possible each day, the effects of using it will still be short-lived.

Therefore, from this point of view, it is not necessary to use this method continuously. Works best for temporary use.

And, for how to use soda to enlarge the sexual organs, many men are not worried about the possible consequences. At the same time, the uncontrolled use of soda in this form, especially at home, threatens very real trouble.

For example, skin irritation. If rubbed several times a day for months or even years, NaHCO3 will simply corrode the skin. Repairing damaged skin will be very difficult, and that's not counting the fact that a man has to endure a lot of pain and discomfort.

How to Use Baking Soda to Enlarge a Penis

The alkalinity of baking soda determines the fact that it is able to destroy bacteria and fungi, including those associated with opportunistic microbial communities, a type of microbial community that persists in people.

Disruption of the beneficial flora can lead to a significant decline in immunity. Against this background, the development of pathogens is possible, which will lead to unpleasant diseases such as candidiasis, balanoposthitis or balanitis.

Therefore, whether or not to use baking soda for penis enlargement is a personal matter.

Sparkling water is often used in traditional medicine recipes because it is an excellent tool for fighting inflammatory processes and harmful microorganisms. Needless to say, when using this substance, the penis will grow by leaps and bounds. Research has shown that sparkling water increases efficiency when used in other ways, i. e. it is recommended to use it as an auxiliary element.

How to enlarge penis with baking soda? The ability to change the size of the penis is due to the substance's free penetration into tissues and the ability to thin the blood due to its unique action. This feature makes the powder indispensable - it actively increases the size of the penis. Penis enlargement with soda water will not show normal results if you are not exercising or using special equipment.

It should be noted that this substance can significantly protect the penis from injury and various complications. Certain physical activities can increase the chance of blood clots, but baking soda, due to its unique composition, can thin the blood and prevent blood clots from forming.

There are several ways to enlarge a penis with sparkling water, each with its own benefits and features. Each one chooses a specific type for themselves, it's better to combine them, but the main thing is not to exaggerate the given dose.

Is it true that soda will make your dick bigger?

Question: Is it true that you can build a penis with soda water? Is it possible to increase reproductive organs with this substance? Answer: Yes, baking soda does wonders for the genitals. Sodium bicarbonate is an excellent blood thinner that aids in gymnastics aimed at penis growth.

Fluid blood is actively distributed within the genitourinary system. The substance prevents the formation of blood clots, a complication when performing massage exercises.

soda water for penis enlargement

Are there any contraindications to use?

Every penis enlargement technique has its contraindications, and baking soda is no exception. The program should be abandoned:

  • Definitely not useful here for men with diabetes. The reason for this is the direct effect on blood cells.
  • presence of malignant tumors. Soda water has the effect of thinning the blood, and such an environment is conducive to the reproduction and spread of cancer cells throughout the body.
  • Sensitive skin. When a man's skin is not only sensitive but also dry, soda can cause irritation and inflammation.

Test on the skin of your hands before using soda, and if there is no discomfort or irritation 30 minutes after use, you can apply the product to the genitals.

There are also contraindications to taking soda in it. For example, stomach acidity increases, and if soda gets into the stomach, peptic ulcers can form. If soda is contraindicated for you, you can try other home remedies for penis enlargement.

soda recipes for penis enlargement

Although the well-known white powders have quite a wide range of applications, they should not be abused. Overdosing on soda and taking it for an extended period of time can have adverse consequences and then need to be dealt with individually.

There are few obvious contraindications, but you should not forget precautions. Don't forget to check the expiry date of this product, follow the prescribed dosage, massage and scrub only with clean hands. These simple measures will protect you from unwanted consequences.

A combination of soda and tongs

If the male members of the forum are divided on the benefits of soda, many have mentioned the miraculous work that goes hand in hand with "soda therapy".

An unsafe form of movement called clamping. Literally translated from English, it means "to clamp with a collar". The point of the exercise is to divert the external veins to delay the outflow of blood from the penis.

The essence of technology:

  • You will need a properly sized car or locksmith clip to squeeze the base of the penis.
  • You should start with a pinch for no more than 5 minutes.
  • When doing the exercise, be sure to move. Do not sit or lie down, even if you feel sick.

From the reviews, if you train every day for six months, your penis can increase by 2-3 cm. But you shouldn't forget the soda and take the soda solution.

It is important to note that this sport is not safe. People with vascular problems or genitourinary disorders cannot exercise.

normal penis size

what to expect

After learning about the possibility that soda can increase penis size, men always ask - what to expect? Practitioners of the method claim that by using the technique on a regular basis, the following results can be obtained:

  • After 2-3 weeks, the erection increases significantly, and the penis increases by one centimeter;
  • Several scrubbing procedures can increase the sensitivity of the head of the penis;
  • Increased libido.

The effect increases if you use the complex: soda therapy + exercise and proper nutrition.

The most effective general strengthening exercises: running, swimming, training the muscles of the legs and pelvis.

Baking soda for male organ enlargement

Before starting these programs, you need to know if they are necessary for you. The truth is, most men who think they definitely need to make their genitals longer are wrong. Therefore, in medicine, a micropenis is a penis that reaches no more than 10 cm in a state of excitement.

Among men living in our country, according to statistics, the average penis size is 18 cm. However, some men will definitely try to make their genitals longer, even if it is well over 18cm. But it should be remembered that in this case, such procedures do not produce special results.

Soda surgery is absolutely useless here if a small segment of the penis is associated with a congenital lesion or some kind of disease. In this regard, before you start penis extension surgery, you should definitely see a doctor because only he can check the health of your genitourinary system.

Before deciding to use baking soda to enlarge your penis, you should understand that even if organ growth can be achieved, you shouldn't expect to get bigger in a week.

Based on the positive feedback from strong representatives who have experienced this problem-solving method, we can conclude that the organ will expand by 1 cm, up to a maximum of 2 cm.

There are several ways to take this remedy. One is to take sodium bicarbonate on an empty stomach, another is to take it after meals, and the third is to gradually increase the amount of powder.

The number of negative and positive reviews is roughly equal. Many men claim that the size of the penis remains the same and that there is pain in the stomach that was not there before.

Instructions for use

The most effective and popular way to enlarge the penis with sparkling water is massage. For good results, the procedure must be performed correctly and regularly, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Massage very carefully, because the skin of the penis is very thin and sensitive, and rough movements and strong friction can damage the skin of the organ.

The procedure is carried out in stages:

  1. preparation stage. Wrap a soft towel dampened with warm water around your penis and leave it there for a few minutes. The action is designed to activate blood flow and increase the elasticity of the skin of the organ. Repeat the process 4 times within 20 minutes.
  2. massage. The manipulation technique should aim to stretch the penis. Massage and stretching will help distribute the restored copious blood flow evenly across the veins. Soda must be used during the procedure. Prepare a soda paste in advance (a small amount of soda diluted with water to make a paste) and gently rub it into the penis tissue. You can also use the powder form of this substance, however, in the dissolved form, sparkling water is better absorbed, providing good results.
  3. The final stage. After the operation, you need to relax and lie down. If you get out of bed right away and resume your normal rhythm of life, your body will see this as stress, which will affect the blood flow to restore.

Besides massage, there are other baking soda penis enlargement recipes.

First, it's worth knowing whether it's really necessary to increase a penis, as scientists have long proven that in order to please a partner, it's not necessary to have a large penis, and it's enough to manage it correctly.

However, if one decides to take drastic measures, it is best to start with the easiest, cheapest and relatively natural method. Many experts often talk about the beneficial properties of sparkling water.

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a white powder. It has a ton of useful qualities and can be used for cooking, cleaning, and treating many ailments. Sparkling water is used to treat thrush in women, but for men, another use of the product is relevant:

  • soda water;
  • soda water;
  • Sparkling water massage.

Caution is advised when using sparkling water at home, especially in the shower, as more exposure to sodium bicarbonate can dry out delicate skin and cause cracks.

method compound Prepare and apply
  • warm water - 200 ml;
  • soda water - 1 teaspoon
  1. Dissolve soda in a glass of water.
  2. Immerse the penis in the tub for 15 minutes.

Take a bath within an hour before sex. With this method, you can significantly increase skin elasticity.

soda scrub
  • Baking soda - 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • water
  1. Soda water is diluted with water to make a paste.
  2. The resulting composition lubricates the reproductive organs and massages gently for 5-7 minutes.


  • In order not to damage the skin, the movements should be very gentle;
  • If there is a burning sensation or itching, the product should be washed off immediately and natural fat (vegetable or animal) should be applied to the surface without affecting the head;
  • In the event of a burn in the head area, it should be flushed with running water as soon as possible.

With the help of this tool, you can significantly increase your erection.

Honey Scrub
  • Liquid Honey - 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • Soda water - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. Mix honey and soda in equal proportions.
  2. The penis is lubricated with the resulting composition and rubbed in a massaging motion for 5 minutes.

The results of application are similar to the results after a soda scrub. However, honey can soften soda, making the method safer.

soda water
  • Soda water - 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • gauze napkins;
  • water
  1. Place soda water on a gauze napkin and moisten slightly with water.
  2. The resulting compress is applied to the penis.
  3. You need to keep the structure for at least 15 minutes and no more than 20 minutes.

Increase blood flow to the penis

drinking solution
  • a glass of water (200 ml);
  • soda water - 0. 5 tsp
  1. Dissolve soda in a glass of warm water.
  2. Drink liquids half a day before meals
soda water
  • Soda water - 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • A cup of water
  1. The penis is thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. Soda is dissolved in water, and this liquid is used to cleanse the penis.
  3. After the operation, the organ is not rinsed with water and needs to be air-dried naturally

Sparkling Water Massage:

  1. Thoroughly wash, dry, and apply a generous layer of olive oil to the penis.
  2. Soda water (1 tablespoon) for oil base.
  3. The resulting mask massages the penis, the movements should be soft and round. Massage time is 10 minutes.
  4. After the procedure, the penis is rinsed with water and lubricated with oil again.
  5. After soaking, blot excess oil with paper towels.

Composition should not fall on the head.

Tips for Enlargement Penis Using Baking Soda

All operations cannot be performed more than 1 time per day. The duration of exposure to the penis is 2-3 weeks, depending on the condition of the skin and the health of the man. When taking sparkling water in it, you need to monitor your health carefully and stop ingesting it immediately if you experience atypical sensations (burning, itching, etc. ).

other magnification

Alternative medicine offers different methods and recipes for penis enlargement. Usually, herbs are used to enlarge the penis.

For this purpose, decoctions and infusions of various medicinal plants are used. popular:

  1. Ginkgo biloba. For the enlargement of the penis, the leaves of the plant are used, since this part has accumulated the most enzymes and useful trace elements, suitable for the preparation of active additives and extracts. The action of the plant is aimed at normalizing the blood circulation of the penis, and after using it, the man feels an increase in sensitivity and an increase in stamina.
  2. Ref. The plant is used to combat impotence and sexual dysfunction. The use of ginseng increases blood flow to the genitals, making the penis larger.

it works:

  • Ginseng crushed and whole root infusion. Pour 20 g of the plant into 200 ml of alcohol (70%). Use 20 drops twice before meals;
  • Honey infusion. Mix 0. 5 tablespoon of honey with 300 grams of crushed ginseng root and soak for 20 days. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

Various massages of the penis and eggs are considered effective. Thai massage is very popular and has a point effect on the bioactive areas responsible for penile function. Other procedures and exercises are used with the help of which restore blood flow to the genitals, stimulate the skin and all the internal tissues of the penis, thereby increasing the size of the penis.

These drugs increase the size of the penis by 2-4 cm, enhancing potency and libido.

Any procedure using soda should be done after checking the body's response to the substance and also after consulting a specialist.


An effective method of application is massage with the nutritional supplement in question.

This effect is designed to enlarge the mouth of the penis tissue, where blood and micronutrients flow. This affects the thickening and partial lengthening of the penis.

How much can the penis enlarge

Before starting a massage, you need to familiarize yourself with the precautions:

  • Sensitivity testing is required. Apply sparkling water to a small area of skin, premixed with water, until a slurry forms. The composition was left for half an hour and rinsed with running water. If you do not notice itching or irritation on the penis, you can use the supplement as directed.
  • Massage needs to be done regularly, preferably daily, to achieve results.
  • The massage movements are gentle and gentle so as not to cause damage to the sensitive skin of the penis.

The massage is performed in several stages, as follows:

  1. To prepare - Dip a soft towel in warm water and wrap it around the penis. In this state, sit for 20 minutes, allow the towel to cool and re-wet the towel.
  2. The procedure is to prepare the mixture for massage by mixing the main ingredients with water until it forms the consistency of sour cream. Rub the mixture into the penis with gentle massaging motions, stretching and squeezing it as much as possible. Can't stand the pain.
  3. Done - After the massage (30 minutes), you need to lie down and relax. It is important to lie down for 30 minutes in a relaxed state. Sanitary products are allowed after rinsing the penis under running water.

The proposed manipulations help to improve blood flow to the penis and increase it slightly. Regular use contributes to long-lasting results.

side effect

With the systemic use of soda to lengthen the penis, the following side effects may occur:

  • an allergic rash on the skin;
  • the formation of small ulcers and cracks;
  • Pain and burning sensation in the penis.

Due to the formation of an alkaline environment on the surface of the penis after the use of soda water, most of the beneficial bacteria located on the penis are destroyed. This leads to weakened local immunity and the emergence of pathogenic microbial communities. In this regard, such procedures using sodium bicarbonate may lead to the development of balanitis or candidal balanoposthitis (candidiasis with inflammation of the reproductive organs).

negative effects on the body

Baking soda is a natural product, so its use is practically harmless. But you should not be involved in using bicarbonate. Otherwise, soda water will hurt the body.

Products that are often used in high doses can cause damage to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. This, in turn, can cause ulcers to develop on the inner surface of the organ.

When baking soda combines with water, carbon dioxide is formed. Therefore, taking soda can lead to excessive gas formation and bloating.