How to Really Enlarge Your Penis Through Surgery and Mechanical Impact

From puberty onwards, the male reproductive organs are the part of the body that receives special attention. Any phrase about being undersized can become a real insult. Therefore, almost every man dreams of having more dignity. But not everyone knows how to actually enlarge a penis; many think it's a myth. In the flow of information, it is important to find a technology that truly copes with the task and does not cause damage to the body.

normal penis size

It's difficult to tell an exact number for normal penis size because the metric is so vague. According to scientists, the length of an erect penis should be 12 to 20 centimeters.Today, we emphasize three concepts on this issue:
  • small penis. In the upright position, its length does not exceed 2 cm.
  • small dick. When excited, it can reach a length of 9. 5 centimeters and nothing more.
  • normal male organs. 9. More than 5 cm is in a state of excitement.
All measurements were taken from the base of the penis near the anterior abdominal wall to the head. The question arises when a man discovers that his dignity is far from ideal in reality: how to enlarge his penis really quickly. The quickest way is surgery and the longest way is physical exercise.

Surgical methods

An effective and relatively quick way to increase a man's dignity is to undergo surgery. Surgical methods are divided into two groups: increasing the length of the penis, and changing the volume of the penis.Change in length due to severing of the ligamentous apparatus of the male organ. This method can achieve a result of +4 cm, and after the operation, the penis will be in a horizontal and upright state. The intervention included the use of an extension agent upon completion.The thickness is varied by introducing your own fatty tissue under the skin of your penis. Additionally, allografts are used.
important!Any surgical approach requires an initial and thorough examination of the patient to identify possible contraindications.

Post-operative complications

Patients must ask about complications when specifying how to actually enlarge the penis. For example, a man may be dissatisfied with the appearance of the manipulation.But beyond appearance, there may be other consequences that require help from a medical professional:
  • hematoma;
  • suture bleeding;
  • scar;
  • suture infection;
  • Temporary or permanent sexual dysfunction;
  • Psycho-emotional trauma;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • blood clots;
  • Reduction and loss of sensitivity of reproductive organs;
  • The installation angle is incorrect.
A man is considering enlarging his penis


To increase penis thickness and length, new devices appear on the market every year, which may be the best option for some consumers.Among them are the following mechanical devices:
  • Coat hanger;
  • clip;
  • Nozzles in various shapes and configurations;
  • ring;
  • Pump;
  • extender.
In order to understand how to enlarge your penis really quickly, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the product, its operating principle, and its conditions of use. Perhaps, before using any chosen method, it is worth testing the effectiveness of traditional methods. For example, baking soda can thin blood and increase its flow to various parts of the body, especially the penis. This painless at-home method should be combined with massage therapy.It is possible to prepare a recipe consisting of Vietnamese cream and NaHCO3. To do this, mix club soda with warm water to form a paste, add a little cream (about the size of a match head), mix, massage for a minute and apply to the skin. With the help of this extraordinary therapy, you can improve the condition of the skin of your penis, stimulate the blood supply to the organ and increase its size naturally.

Real Penis Enlargement Using Various Techniques

Before using a specific method, it is worth considering the following nuances: whether it is possible to actually enlarge the penis and what risks the patient can take in order to pursue his dream. It is important to understand that no matter what technique or equipment is chosen, the organ will never exceed 5 centimeters in length. Therefore, it is recommended to consider options other than surgical intervention, as this procedure is experimental. When agreeing to this, each person does so at their own peril and risk.A Man Who Dreams of Real Penis Enlargement


Massage (jelq) is the oldest method of enhancing the male organ. It involves repeating exercises over several months.
important!Massaging and stretching the penis for up to half an hour every day can improve the effect by 1-2 centimeters.
Be sure to use a cream or ointment during this procedure, which will increase the effectiveness of the procedure and warm up the organ.There are 3 varieties of Jelqing:
  • wet. In the first stage, the penis is kneaded and heated. It is done under running hot water, wiped with a washcloth, washcloth, or wrapped in a terry cloth soaked in hot water.
  • lubricating. Massage movements should be made on the penis and lubricant should be applied. Your index finger and thumb should come together to form a ring. Next, grab the base of the penis and make sliding motions throughout the organ without squeezing. It is carried out when the erection does not exceed one-third; if it intensifies, it needs to be cooled down until it returns to the desired state.
  • dry. Position your fingers in the same way as when massaging with lubricant, just clasp the penis with all your fingers. Massage is best done in the morning when the concentration of testosterone in the body is highest. Movement of the hand from base to head.

A set of exercises and special gel

Home methods to increase manhood are very popular these days. It provides real, painless penis enlargement, plus, it doesn't require risky surgical intervention.There are some effective exercise videos available on the Internet:
  • Stretching exercises. Grasp the penis almost at the base of the head and pull it toward you. This will help warm up the ligament.
  • Jieerqing. To perform this procedure, you will need a special gel designed to enlarge the penis. Bring the organ into a state of incomplete erection and massage it using the techniques described above.
  • massage. It is necessary to normalize blood circulation in the penis. Do circular motions 30 times.
  • circular stretch. You need to stretch your head upward for 5-7 seconds. Next, rotate the penis counterclockwise while still under tension. Repeat this exercise 20 times. After each cycle, the organ must be shaken to normalize blood circulation.
  • Attractions. If the erection is incomplete, the organ should be drawn to the buttocks and slowly and carefully sit on it.
  • Mahi. With the member fully upright, the organ swings vertically and horizontally. During this exercise, tension should be exerted on the perineal muscles.
Increased penis size affects men's self-esteem

Stretching technique

The most effective technique to guarantee real penis enlargement.It is important to follow these steps to get results:
  • Repeat every day. One day without class can ruin your efforts.
  • Increases in practice time and reps should be gradual. For example, it is forbidden to hang immediately for an hour. The load should be increased slowly.
  • During exercise, the penis should be fully erect or semi-erect. Otherwise, you may get injured.

Grip Strength and Stretch Techniques

For this technique, 5 minutes a day is enough, but real penis enlargement of 2-3 cm can be achieved in just a few months. Such classes are convenient because they can be conducted multiple times per day. The purpose of stretching and holding techniques is to increase the volume of the reproductive organ chambers.The order of exercises is as follows:
  • The organ is lubricated with gel or cream.
  • The man sits on the edge of the bed, strokes his penis and clasps it with his index finger and thumb. Move your hands from the base to the head. It is important that the grip is firm. Therefore, the skin stretches as much as possible.
  • When returning to the base of the organ, the grip must be strengthened to trap more blood in the penis.
  • The speed of movement must gradually increase and there must be a sense of excitement.
  • When fully erect, the finger ring must be squeezed tighter to retain blood in the cavernous tissue.
  • You need to grab the bottom of it with your other hand and pull it as far as you can without letting go of your hand. It is important that you do not feel any discomfort.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then, stretch it to the right, left, down, and everywhere for the specified amount of time. You need to repeat the 4 stages of the exercise.
  • Once completed, the grip at the bottom weakens and a loss of blood is felt. Ejaculation is possible.
This technique will be effective if there is adequate lubrication and a firm grip. But to avoid injuries, negative consequences and painful feelings, the method should not impede normal blood circulation.