The most effective method for penis enlargement

Penis size per cm

Men spend millions of dollars each year on penis enlargement products. At the beginning of the 21st century, there was a shocking penis enlargement in the United States. Californian D. Marshall is 25 centimeters more than the original 12 centimeters.

On the issue of expansion, two methods are effective: surgical methods or conservative techniques and techniques. We will tell you how to increase the length and thickness of the penis. Really increasing 2-5 cm is very easy to achieve!

The best way to upgrade

Many techniques provide an increase in the mass of the sponge and the growth of sponge tissue. Regular exercise can stretch the tunic (the white part of the penis). A man's length and waist circumference will increase.


  • Correct the size of the penis;
  • Eliminate premature ejaculation-length and thickness exercises increase the effect of prolonging intercourse;
  • High-quality erections, general improvement in the genital area.

Tissue stretch

Traction stretches the length of the penis. The body receives the urge to enlarge the penis. The internal reserve is designed to adapt the penile tissue to the pressure-the coat that supports the ligaments stretches and the cavernous body grows in volume.

Penis extender

Top pull technology:

  • Gerqing;
  • seat;
  • smoke;
  • shear;
  • Stretch fast.


A powerful technique for increasing penis size. Actual use requires hands and some accessories.

How does this work:

  • Powerful pumping of blood in the cavernous body;
  • A network of new capillaries that penetrate the penis is formed. At the same time, the decayed products are washed away;
  • General increase in tone, endurance, erection. Men remain sexually active until old age and improve hormonal balance;
  • Both the circumference and length of the penis will increase. Jelqing erection will increase the diameter by more than 80%, 40-60%-will increase the length of the torso.

Jelq is divided into wet type and dry type. The characteristic of technicians is the presence of lubricants.


Klemp uses a clamp to clamp an erect penis. It keeps the swollen trunk with blood. The practice takes a few minutes. This technique is suitable for advanced NUP and helps to improve the penis at rest.

Penis enlargement

Use a cable clamp for the terminal.


  • The best form of correct implementation of technology;
  • Connect quickly and relax.

The clip is fixed on the winding. It can be arbitrary, mainly to choose a dense material. Experienced scissors technicians use neoprene mouse pads. The set time is controlled by a timer.

Penis sitting (foufers)

Lazy stretch is the closest analogue of the BPS pulling technique and is intended to be used with the upper ligament of the penis. Exercise is done at a comfortable time. The goal is to increase the rest time.


  • Get up from a sitting position;
  • Pull out the barrel with a hand and hold the bottom of the head;
  • Stretch between the legs;
  • Put your head on one side of the hip;
  • Remove your hand and squeeze your leg;
  • Hold the stretched member and sit down gently.

When the penis is "numb, " take a break. Repeat 2-3 methods. By pulling the ligament, the upper ligament, the trunk will become longer.

Stretch with expander

Penis enlargement extender

The device stretches the corpus cavernosum and muscle fibers of the penis and stimulates the enlargement of penile tissues. The extender is worn for at least 6 hours a day. Choose mechanical (the head is fixed by a strap, ring) or vacuum.

The result of the training is based on a gradual increase in the length of the barbell. According to the rules, the length of the male wearing the predecessor reaches +2. 5 cm.

Promote blood flow

If the blood supply to the penis is not improved, strong and irreversible progress cannot be made.

Water pump

LOD therapy (a type of vascular exercise) is performed with a pump. This technology improves the condition of the large arteries and small capillaries that supply the penis. The increase in length is provided by long-term pumping. They alternate short breaks. Variable load, relaxation stretch film, sponge body. The penis becomes larger.

Air pumps and water pumps work for progress. Warm water is milder. The results are based on the correct choice of flask size.


It initiates strong blood circulation in all structures of the penis. The exercise is performed after a hot shower, with or without lubricant.

Massage to stimulate penis growth


  • Regional massage-Place your finger in the OK grip. Move the hand from the root, applying moderate pressure to the torso. After reaching the head, they will retract their hands. Perform circular rubbing at the top and bottom points;
  • Glans-Clamp the head, draw a circle on the surface with your thumb, and observe the gentle pressure;
  • Burning indian rope-Squeeze the base firmly with your fingers and support the torso with the other hand. Move your finger up and down quickly, repeating 9-40 times.

Massage techniques can heal the prostate.

In clinical practice, several methods of surgical penis enlargement have been practiced.

operation treatment

Thickened back

Everyone has a partition between the sponges. It is like a steel belt, which inhibits growth and adversely affects stretching after exercise. The thickness varies from person to person.

Back thickening test:

  • Put on the extender;
  • Stretch the penis and feel the thickening. The diaphragm is in the middle and extends along the trunk to the foreskin. The fingers can be touched like a bandage;
  • The cavernous body close to it feels like soft tissue.
Penis enlargement surgery

Fibrosis can form on the back of the penis.During dry masturbation, due to constant pressure, the albuginea will thicken with age.

Sometimes, chords appear on the trunk, affecting the curvature of the penis. The scar connective tissue chain is parallel to the urethra. The dense formation makes it difficult to stretch in the expander. Both abnormalities are removed surgically.In order to eliminate the risk, they increase warm-up before training and use creams to increase the elasticity of the skin.Back to content↑

Ligament incision

During the operation, the surgeon dissected the ligament. The weakened supporting ligament releases the length of the penis + 3-5 cm. The intervention occurred after taking the test and talking to the doctor.

The patient is under general anesthesia. The operation time is 30 minutes.Ligament wear after trimmingstretcher, Then -Extender. An increase was observed during erection, and almost no obvious change was seen during rest.

Biodegradable matrix

The matrix is a tissue engineering product made of lactic acid copolymer. Size: 5-10 cm long. In the penis tissue, it breaks down into carbon dioxide, water and supports cell growth. Connective tissue grows into a matrix framework. For this stage, additional seeding of patient cells is performed.

After the operation, the girth increases by 3cm, and when the matrix skeleton is dissolved, the result will be reduced to 5-10mm. In fact, this technique is ineffective, but it can be used in many male clinics.

In personal surgery, there are hyaluronic acid injections and silicone implants. Both of these operations will increase the circumference.


It works well when approaching old recipes without fanaticism.

Traditional method:

  • Apitherapy-Bee stings reduce blood viscosity, harmful cholesterol, and increase hemoglobin. The poison dilates the blood vessels and more blood flows to the penis;
  • Apitherapy for penis enlargement
  • Soda and honey-Hot compresses, massages, dressings based on honey-soda mixtures to prepare for training and sports;
  • Soda and honey for penis enlargement
  • Herbs andHerbs are a useful support for enhancing technology. Pharmaceutical preparations are necessary for sexual desire, potency, and development of intimate muscles. Best: sage, nettle, rosemary, horny goat, yohimbe, ginseng;
  • Herbs for penis enlargement
  • Essential oils-used in massage techniques. Improve skin elasticity and blood supply. The best: ylang-ylang, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, thyme, sandalwood.
Penis enlargement oil

Family remedies

Manual stretching, jelq practice at home, no cost (except for surgical intervention). There are many ways to improve progress.


The toy instantly elongates the penis and delays ejaculation. The moving method of resizing is very popular during sex.

Types of:

  • Open-Leave a free mind and stay sensitive;
  • closure-Provides an increase of 3-10 cm.

The best touch is the product made of web leather. It is realistic that they quickly assume the temperature of the skin.

Creams, ointments, gels

Home remedies support erections and improve training progress. Using creams and ointments, the penis grows faster through jelqing, stretching, and massage.

Coat hanger

Progressive method of increasing length. The hanger is vacuum and mechanical. There is a load on the penis that exerts tension on the tissues and ligaments of the penis. The exercise is carried out sitting, rarely standing. The result of training is +2 cm.

Pharmacological support, nutrition, dietary supplements

The lack of vitamins, amino acids, micronutrients and macronutrients can inhibit the growth of penis length and thickness.

Healthy Food:

  • The gift of beekeeping;
  • Spinach, asparagus, celery;
  • Pumpkin oil
  • nut;
  • seafood;
  • sour cream.

Vitamins, amino acids, minerals:

Vitamins for penis enlargement
  • Vitamin E, C, Arginine-For general health, strengthen blood vessels and blood flow. Needed in days of active training;
  • Zinc-For libido, iron effectiveness, quick recovery after exercise, better blood vessel project return;
  • selenium-Maintain male androgen and improve sperm parameters.

How to increase it for you

No specific method has been developed to correct the size of the penis. Every organism is different.The first is from jelq, the second is from clemp, and the third is helped by the combination. . . a successful start is based on proper nutrition and a competent beginner plan.

The first training aims to lay a good foundation. In the second stage, they began to stretch the tunic. The exercise cycle ends with the internal stretching of the ligaments. This is a conservative plan, after which they practice a hanger, a pump, and an ex.


Increasing the size of the penis requires physical health and a stable nervous system. In the case of stress and disease, success is impossible.


  • Be over 18-60 years old;
  • Urogenital system, STD infections;
  • Crayfish;
  • Acute cardiovascular failure;
  • Ulcers, wounds, penile skin injuries;
  • Psychological deviation.

in conclusion

There are some safe and effective ways to increase the length of the penis. If a person has not been diagnosed with a small penis and a small penis, he can practice manual enhancement techniques and use equipment for training.